You can imagine my excitement and fear when I was told that Germany is really big on setting off fireworks for New Years. It's such a weird concept to me, Americans really don't do the whole firework thing on this holiday. I remembered coverage of other countries in past New Years specials on T.V., I just always thought it was strange they set off fireworks. I'm so used to the ball drop in Times Square being the big festivity. Fireworks only fit in two places in my brain 1. 4th of July 2. Disneyland. So I found myself getting excited to ring in the new year a little different than usual.
I spent New Years Eve day reading. No, I'm not that big of a nerd. I put down my book to join my German family (and their friends) for dinner. We had meat fondu. Which is yummy, but tortuous. Nothing like sitting and waiting for your food to cook while your stomach roars like a angry lion. After dinner we went outside to the street to set off fireworks. Since the kids were going to bed before midnight, they didn't want to miss out on the fun. All the fireworks were "kid friendly." Sparklers of course were amongst the options. Which I avoided until I just couldn't stand it anymore. They are just so sparkly. I also had quite a bit of fun with the cherry bombs. Martha and her friend (with their dads) were having quite the thrill setting off little fireworks that whorled and spun around on the street. Frieda and her friend just stuck to the sparklers and cherry bombs like me. But we had just as much fun as the older girls! Once we were out of fireworks I said good bye and headed out into the night to meet up with my friends.
I walked over to Nacha and Bernie's flat which is conveniently quite close to my apartment. Balin (sorry if I'm spelling your name wrong... I'm lousy with names), Bernie's friend, came along too. We all hopped onto the Straßenbahn and found ourselves surrounded by fellow New Years celebrators. After staring at a girls holey stockings for a good 15 minutes (I just couldn't understand why she would sacrifice being warm in order to look so scandalous), we got off the train with all the other passengers. Apparently Durlach was the place to be. After a short walk up a hill we found ourselves at the Turmbergbahn station. (Which I visited with Lea back in October). We found Albert, whom we planned to meet there, and squished onto the oldest train in Germany with a bunch of other people. Thankful to be free of the claustrophobic train, I burst out onto the look out platform only to find it just as crowded, and even more chaotic.
Just a half an hour to midnight, the excitement was tangible in the air. People were all over the place; drinking, talking, and setting off fireworks. Our little group made our way over to an area near the guard rail of the lookout platform. If I got on tiptoe I could see the breathtaking view of all of Karlsruhe lighting up the night. One we settled in one spot, the drinks began to flow. Nacha told us to bring our own cups, which made for a funny sight. Alcohol just looks silly in a water cup. The guys started examining the stash of fireworks we had brought along, just itching to set them off. While they were busy being boys, I people and firework watched. I tried to keep my distance, but because everyone was so squished together it was an impossible feat. Some sparks landed on my jacket several times (one burned a hole) but the boys were much quicker to react and brush off the sparks than I was. Thanks guys!
The view of all Karlsruhe from the lookout platform. Legit right? |
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These are like beyond illegal in LB, but perfectly legal in Karlsruhe! Wahaha. |
Nacha, the boys, and I toasted to the new year as it began to rain. I just looked up into the sky and smiled. It was the most simple and beautiful way to start of 2012. Fresh rain washing away an old year. And a new year being escorted in with the startling power and beauty of fireworks. All while surrounded by new friends in a new place. I've never experienced a New Year's like it.
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Several moments throughout the night. (All the night's pictures were taken by Nacha). |
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Me staying very far from my arch nemesis... the sparkler. |
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Note the boys are showing off one of their prized fireworks. |
Finally I opened my eyes to find that both eyes were in working order. But it was my eyelids that were crying out in pain. After assuring everyone I was okay, I made a beeline to the bathroom to inspect the damage. Once in front of a mirror I realized my upper and lower eyelids on my right eye had been burned. My eye looked perfectly fine. So with relief filling my stomach, I set about wiping what was left of my eye makeup. I soaked the burn in cold water for a bit and then rejoined my friends.
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Fireworks and I just don't get along. |
I got home and was quite happy to curl up in bed and go to sleep. It was quite the eventful New Year's. I wonder if that means this is going the be quite the eventful year. Only time will tell.
Update: My burn has healed quite nicely. Now I just have a scar. Lovely.
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