Most Southern Californians will tell you we have four seasons. A gloriously hot Summer, a slightly breezy Fall, a chilly and rainy Winter, and a warm Spring. Don't let them lie to you. We don't have four seasons. We have two. A glorious season of sunshine and warm weather, and then a season of cloudy skies, chances of rain, and "cold" weather. We live for sunshine. When it actually goes and rains on us, we all freak out. We are a spoiled rotten bunch. So until I came to Germany, I had never really experienced "seasons" as a large portion of the world experiences them. Actual factual weather has really taken me by surprise.
I think it's quite hilarious how weather is considered a trivial topic of conversation. In fact, it's the thing you bring up when you have nothing else to say ("Uh, so I hear it's supposed to rain tomorrow..."). But considering how much weather effects us (our outfit choices, how we get to and from places, what activities we do, etc), you think we would rank it a little higher on the topic of conversation totem pole. I mean, we all talk about it all the time. I know I do. Even more so now that I have actual weather to talk about.
So after having several long months of a very, very cold Winter, I'll be honest, I've been extremely excited watching Spring arrive in all it's glory.
There is nothing more delightful than realizing it's warmed up enough to only wear one pair of socks. It's finally getting warmer (and when I say warmer I mean like in the 50's and 60's F, which is not warm at all for So Cal) and I'm so happy. I live off of warmth. But I'm also slightly freaking out. Because after wearing so many layers for so long, exposing even the slightest amount of skin (or just wearing less layers) makes me feel naked. An example my Cali friends can laugh at... I wore ballerina flats for the first time in several months yesterday. I was bike riding and I became extremely freaked by wind going across the bare tops of my feet. I bust up laughing, probably scarring the locals, and then tired my hardest not to be wishing for my boots.
But warmth isn't the only way Spring has shown its arrival. All over the city plants and animals are awakening. Every time I walk outside I feel like Mary watching
The Secret Garden come to life. It's utterly magical and it takes my breath away. God really knows how to put on a show in the Spring time. There are green buds on all the previously grey looking trees, bird songs sweetly fill the air, wildflowers are popping up in all the green spaces, and little critters, like bunnies, are making their appearances in the parks.
I think my favorite thing is seeing all the dandelions sprouting up everywhere. Now, I realize dandelions are weeds. But I think they are beautiful weeds, and worthy of attention. They are lovely pop of color on normally very grey and dull walkways and sidewalks. And when they turn white, they provide quite the entertainment factor; I'll admit I still make a wish when I blow the seeds into a million different directions.
And it's not just the plants and animals that are awakening. The people are too. The sense of hope is tangible in the air, and people have a spring in their step. Everyone seems to find a reason to be outside as much as possible, especially on the clear, sunny days. After such a long Winter, everything and everyone feels a weight lifted off their shoulders. It's utterly lovely.
All this life just ties in so well with the
Easter season. It's much more tangible to me now, seeing how life sprouting up around me and tie it all into finding new life in Jesus.
In celebration of Easter, Karlsruhe has an Easter market set up in Marktplatz. There are a bunch of little booths selling either craft items or food. And in the middle of all this is a giant blow up Easter egg. Nacha, Ivanka, and I decided that this was a must see and planned an afternoon around it.
Me in front of the giant egg. It says "We wish you all a happy Easter". |
Ivanka and I met up and did some exploring of the booths while we waited
for Nacha (who was to meet up with us a little later). It was lots of
fun, and we had to restrain ourselves from buying a bunch of
ridiculously cute things. But we did give in and buy a couple things. I
bought a pot holder and Ivanka bought an egg warmer. Both from a cute
little old lady who knitted them herself. After ripping ourselves away
from the booths, we went and looked at the "petting zoo". Basically just
a lot of animals in too small cages, which made me really sad. I love
animals, and it was great to see them, but it wasn't really great to see
them confined like that. Then we met Nacha in front of the big egg and
went off on a shopping adventure in several stores on Kaiserstraße.
The Easter bunny apparently has a beer belly. |
Frohe Ostern (Happy Easter)... "little" egg near the big blow up egg in Marktplatz. |
Cutest lil bunnies ever. |
Ivanka was excited to see the ferrets, the ferrets were excited to sleep. |
After our shopping fun, we ran into our friend Danilo, and then we all decided to go to the Karlsruher Schloss Gartens. The Gartens are my absolute favorite place in Karlsruhe because they are just so large and stunningly beautiful, no matter the season. Of course, Spring makes any garden more magical, and the castle gardens aren't immune to such magic.
Although the day was grey and quite cold, the time we spent at the castle was lovely. We walked across the large grassy lawn, making our way to the lake, while talking and people watching. The instant we made it to the edge of the lake all the ducks started swimming towards us, which was pretty funny, because they thought we had bread to feed them. But we only had chocolate with us, so we made our way over to the cement stepping stones near the lake shore and sat down. While the ducks eyed us hopefully, we ate our chocolate and talked while trying not to shiver as the wind picked up. Eventually we had to leave because Nacha had to go to a birthday party and Danilo had to go home. I think we were all quite thankful for a reason to start walking again because it was so cold.
"Omg they are coming!" |
Stepping stones and the lake with the castle in the background. |
Nacha and Ivanka sharing a stepping stone. |
Ivanka and I decided that we would hang out a bit longer, so we strolled around the front of the castle, acting silly and talking. Then we decided to window shop at the mall. Which was a tortuous yet fun time. It's hard to see so many things that you can't/shouldn't buy. After the mall we got drinks and pizza at a nearby restaurant called
Aposto. Ivanka and I can talk to the ends of time, so it was lots of fun chatting away and enjoying a good meal. A perfect way to end the day.
Ivanka striking a pose in front of the castle. |
Me in front of the castle. |
After several attempts we finally got both us and the castle in the picture. And our hair looking not crazy. Quite the incredible feat. |
Most Germans will tell you they have four seasons. A lovely sunny and warm Summer, a cold and rainy Fall, a freezing snow filled Winter, and a warm, cold, and slightly rainy Spring. Believe them. There are definitely four seasons. And you can see them change. It's amazing.
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