Martha, Frieda, and I spend a lot of time together. And a good portion of that time is spent drawing, painting, and craft making. I love this bonding time. It's so great to color alongside them, help them when they need it, and spark their creativity. Art was a really big part of my childhood, and I'm always glad to pass it on to others. Especially in an electronic age when it's more exciting to color on your touch screen than it is to actually get paint on your hands. I love electronics, don't get me wrong, but when it comes down to it... I would rather have a pencil and paper any day. But I'm rambling. Point is, I love all this creativity that the three of us make together. It's been so cool to see how their artistic talent has grown over the months I've been here. I hope even after I go home they continue their desire to be creative. If I could leave one impression on these girls, that would be it. Use that imagination. It's there for a reason.
Now like any proud parent/sibling/etc, I feel the need to show off my favorites of the kiddos ever so awesome artwork. Which you will "ooo" and "ahh" at like the good people I know you are. Or else. (haha).
Martha. First drawing we ever did together. (crayon, marker, and colored pencil) |
Frieda. Can you guess what her favorite color is? (watercolor) |
Martha. This was during her Harry Potter craze. (marker) |
Frieda. "Das ist ein Straße!"(marker) |
Martha. She and her friend dressed up as witches trick-or-treating. (colored pencil) |
Frieda. (watercolor) |
Martha. Part of my Christmas present. (colored pencil) |
Frieda. I spy a hand print! (watercolor) |
Martha and Frieda. This is a Christmas cat... whatever that is haha. (marker and pencil) |
Martha. The Easter bunny on his rounds. (colored pencil and marker) |
Frieda. One of my favorites of her drawings. (pen and colored pencil) |
Martha. A rainbow! (marker) |
Frieda. (colored pencil) |
Martha. This is my absolute favorite of Martha's. (watercolor) |
Frieda. Reminds me of the world. (watercolor) |
Martha. Self portrait of her kayaking. (watercolor and colored pencil) |
It's a little ridiculous how proud I am of Martha and Frieda. My little art proteges, aww. Doesn't matter if they never pursue art later in life, I'm glad I was here to nurture love of art early on. Because life without art (or a love of it) would be a dreary place.
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